Performance Art

"The Color Play"2010

Color not only carries aesthetic value but also evokes different meaning in different context. The nature and culture of color are two different things which have physical and cultural implictaions respectively. The color red is usually associated with two emotions contributing to life i.e love and agression. However the art work makes an attempt to evoke the nepali cultural lineage of red with life, joy and celebration as it passes across time. The play of yellow and white color add a flare of optimism, enlightment and purity to our thoughts and conduct for a new beginning.... 

"Head" 2012

we cannot imagine life without head. head is so important weather it is of human or animal. There is an exhitance without head. Today we are swimming in the bloody pond without exhistance. Extinction heads are surrounding me feels like i'm messed up with this social and political's bloody game.

Attachment 2011

Land 2009 

land is important for all. human are getting more and more complecative among themselves. they are making boundaries for their properties as saying  my home, my area, my city, my country and my world. i have tries to show the land property in my performance.
i have used white cloth for for purity of land(innocent spechless land), used chalk for boarder line and gave own property to others( visitors).
i have cut out my own dress as property is dividing and left it and at the end with no property.


Life without water is unimaginable; likewise society without politics is also not unthinkable in the modern context. Within this political boundary lays our society. This politics affects us all and has touched me as well. It has wet me like the water does and is giving me pain by sucking my blood. into it; politics is not cleansed yet with blood like water cleanses everything. After much attempt of cleansing we are not experiencing comfort and bliss. Water tries to make everything pure, and then blood is shed, this is how all our efforts and hardship comes to waste Water cleanses dust and impurity and is continuously giving new life, but the politics today, no matter how much it is washed or offered sacrifices, everyone’s blood and hardship is being wasted in water. Even after much difficulties and blood shed we are not being able to bring purity. Today we are so much affected by the failures of politics that all of us are suffering, to an extent that we have become skeptic on whether our sacrifices will succeed or not. We fear that one day due to this entire disorder, we will forget our own existence. I am trying to convey such opinion through my performance. 



belong together 2019 
@ india.

Hand over 2019
 During kathmandu performance art festival .